Britain will continue as nation of takeaway junkies even after lockdown’s lifted

BRITAIN will continue to be a nation of takeaway junkies even after lockdown is lifted, a new survey suggests.

The ban on eating out has led to 53 per cent of adults tucking into more deliveries.

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Britain will continue as nation of takeaway junkies even after lockdown’s lifted
Britain will continue to be a nation of takeaway junkies even after lockdown is lifted, a new survey suggests

And now 32 per cent say they will still order more even when life gets back to normal, a poll by the British takeaway Campaign revealed.

Brits longing for a treat spent £15.1billion on takeaways since the first lockdown started a year ago — up £1.6billion on 2019.

Londoners have been the biggest bingers, with 47 per cent planning to buy more even after restaurants and pubs reopen.

Campaign chairman Ibrahim Dogus said: “There’s still a long road ahead before the hospitality sector is back to the economic powerhouse it was before the pandemic.

“If a third of the British public end up ordering in more but eating out less, the Government must support business owners so they can straddle that divide.

“There’s no doubt that takeaways have kept the wolf from the door for many hospitality businesses over the last 12 months and this blend of service will be vital as the industry rebuilds.

Jonny Fox, owner of The Blacksmiths Arms in Warwickshire, said: “Takeaway and delivery was all completely new to us a year ago. But we decided to give it a serious try.

“Now we’ve gone from a classic pub grub restaurant to a successful pizza and smokehouse takeaway business.

“This has really opened our eyes to the potential of takeaway and delivery

“We’re reaching more customers and selling more food than ever.

“When lockdown ends we’ll keep doing takeaway for the extra revenue.

“We’ve reimagined our business to weather this storm and are hopeful we can continue to thrive in the future.”