Boris’s ‘cut and paste’ Tiers impact report fails to quell backbench rebellion over ‘draconian’ new measures

A REPORT detailing the impact of the Tier system on the UK has failed to quell the rumblings of a backbencher rebellion from boiling over.

MPs were frustrated with a report yesterday that read like a “cut and paste job” as scores vowed to rebel against the reinstating of the system.

Boris’s ‘cut and paste’ Tiers impact report fails to quell backbench rebellion over ‘draconian’ new measures
Boris Johnson is battling the biggest Tory rebellion of his premiership
Boris’s ‘cut and paste’ Tiers impact report fails to quell backbench rebellion over ‘draconian’ new measures


A hundred Tory MPs threatened to vote down the new rules – with Labour piling the pressure on the PM by abstaining.

Sir Kier Starmer, Labour leader, said it would not be in the “national interest” to vote the measures down.

Mr Johnson is now battling the biggest Tory rebellion of his premiership with at least 75 MPs demanding changes to the system after the frustrating report sent some into a rage.

The Government is still expected to win but the mounting pressure from both sides will dent the PM’s authority over the new rules/

In a separate bid to win over MPs, ministers yesterday published a 48-page long “impact assessment” on what effect the new lockdown measures will have.

It acknowledged the “knock-on implications” of restrictions on other health services, mental health and physical wellbeing as well as the economic impact, but failed to win over many furious Tory MPs.

The report showed pubs were the hardest hit industry from the lockdown, and stressed that with every rising per cent rise in unemployment, there was a two per cent rise in serious health conditions over time.

Boris Johnson offered pubs that cannot reopen in England’s Tier 2 or Tier 3 a one-off Christmas gift of around £1,000.

But bosses in the crippled industry labelled the PM “stingier than Scrooge”.

The report also didn’t contain claims that Micheal Gove was told that 500,000 could lose their jobs if Tier 3 was shoved onto London, and didn’t reference the extra 50,000 which may still lose them.

In fact, the document was unable to provide any localised information at all.

Unemployment faces being higher than the 2.6 million predicted last week and the economic hit will be greater.

The new Tier Impact Report was blasted by frustrated MPs as “rehashed” and “cooked up”.

One Tory MP said: “It reads like an essay from one of those essay-plagiarising websites.

“If anything it’s made the mood worse.”

Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith said ministers had done a “cut and paste job”.

Other senior Tories claimed the document “collapsed under the glare of scrutiny”.

Boris’s ‘cut and paste’ Tiers impact report fails to quell backbench rebellion over ‘draconian’ new measures