Biden executive orders – Gun-toting GOP Rep Lauren Boebert introduces bills to fight Paris agreement, WHO & mask mandate

GUN-TOTING Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert introduced three bills aimed at directly impeding three of Joe Biden’s Executive Orders: limit funding for the Paris Climate Agreement and World Health Organization, and to protest a mask mandate.

“I introduced 3 bills this week,” her tweet began. “One: A bill to prevent funding for the Paris Accord.”

Biden executive orders – Gun-toting GOP Rep Lauren Boebert introduces bills to fight Paris agreement, WHO & mask mandate
Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert introduced three bills aimed to stop Biden’s Executive Orders

Biden executive orders – Gun-toting GOP Rep Lauren Boebert introduces bills to fight Paris agreement, WHO & mask mandate
Joe Biden’s mask mandate and push to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement and WHO were targeted by Boebert

“Two: A bill to halt funding to the WHO until we hold them accountable for their role in Covid,” she continued. “Three: A bill to overturn Biden’s Mask mandate.”

“Biden can try to ruin our country, but I will push back,” she ended.

The freshman representative from the Colorado town of Rifle made headlines earlier this month when she vowed to bring her glock onto the Capitol complex to protect herself.

It’s questionable how far Boebert’s bills will go in a Congress where Democrats control both chambers and the executive branch.

Biden executive orders – Gun-toting GOP Rep Lauren Boebert introduces bills to fight Paris agreement, WHO & mask mandate
Boebert’s bills are unlikely to get much traction in the Democrat-controlled Congress
Biden executive orders – Gun-toting GOP Rep Lauren Boebert introduces bills to fight Paris agreement, WHO & mask mandate
Boebert called Biden hypocritical for the mask mandate, saying he was one federal property without a mask

Her three proposals act much to the contrary of Biden’s 17 Executive Orders he signed into law on Wednesday mere hours after his inauguration in an attempt to undo much of the federal policy former President Donald Trump had instituted during his term.

Among them were orders requiring people to wear a mask when on federal property, and a move to push the United States to rejoin both the Paris Climate Agreement and the World Health Organization (WHO).

In a press release sent out by her office, Boebert cries foul at the mask mandate.

“You can’t make this stuff up,” she began. “Joe Biden was on federal land without a mask the same day he signed a federal property mask mandate.”

Biden executive orders – Gun-toting GOP Rep Lauren Boebert introduces bills to fight Paris agreement, WHO & mask mandate
Boebert got under fire for trying to bring a glock into the Capitol Complex

Biden executive orders – Gun-toting GOP Rep Lauren Boebert introduces bills to fight Paris agreement, WHO & mask mandate
Biden signed 17 Executive Orders on Wednesday after his inauguration

“Sadly, this is what we’ve come to expect from hypocritical Democrats. Mandates for thee, but not for me,” she said, referencing a photo of Biden at the White House maskless among his family.

Boebert claimed the mandate is indicative of what would come during the rest of Biden’s presidency.

“The Biden administration is already headed in the wrong direction,” Boebert continued. “Instead of focusing on reopening our economy and getting Americans back to work, this president wants more mandates and more lockdowns.”

“Continued federal overreach won’t end the COVID-19 pandemic or put food on the table,” she ended.

It should be noted countless studies have proven federal inaction at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic led to exacerbated effects of the coronavirus and led to the over 400,000 people who have lost their lives to the virus.

Her other bill looks to “hold the WHO accountable” for what Boebert calls it “China-centric” policies.

“Joe Biden failed to do either of those things and his edict yesterday only emboldens Beijing,” she ended. “Rejoining the WHO without ensuring accountability for the American people is the wrong move.”

Her bill on rejoining the Paris Agreement equally shares some odd language, including refusing to find the agreement because it “will increase energy costs, $4 per gallon gasoline, here we go again!”