BEIJING has been hit by its biggest Covid outbreak in 18 months just DAYS before the Winter Olympics kick off.
Despite enforcing what has been described as the world’s toughest lockdown, the Chinese capital has been ravaged by infections that threaten to throw the international sporting event into turmoil.

The country’s brutal “zero Covid” policy appears to have backfired at the worst time as officials announced areas of the Fengtai district have been locked down.
Around two million people are set to be tested after a dramatic spike in cases ahead of the Winer Olympics Opening Ceremony on February 4.
China’s National Health Commission (NHC) reported 20 new cases in Beijing today, marking the highest number of infections since June 2020.
And Covid has already managed to infiltrate the Olympics “closed-loop” bubble too, after organisers reported 34 new infections.
This includes 13 athletes or officials arriving at the airport, who have been struck down just five days before the games begin.
The Games’ medical chief, Brian McCloskey, said Friday had been “the peak period” of arrivals, saying: “We expect the highest numbers at this stage.”
Athletes who have tested positive are only permitted to take part in the sporting event if they provide two negative tests in a day.
Officials at the NHC reported 54 new cases in total nationwide on Sunday, despite locals being subject to draconian restrictions since the first outbreak.
People living in shuttered areas must only leave their houses to get a Covid test – or in a medical emergency.
The 13 million people living in the northern city of Xian have been banned from leaving their homes – even for essential reasons like buying food – to squash the rising tide of Covid infections.
Workers have sprayed the entire city with clouds of disinfectant for a “full-scale” deep cleaning.
Rising case numbers over the Christmas period sent officials into a panic, seeing them ramp up the rules and punishments.
Anyone caught driving risks being jailed after the worst outbreak in 21 months.
China even brought back its “undignified” anal Covid swabs just weeks before the Winter Olympics begin in a bid to contain the explosion of cases.
No tickets have been sold to foreign spectators or locals due to the soaring infections.
The already scaled-back Olympics torch relay will be cordoned off from the public to stop the virus from spreading.
Princess Anne has already pulled out of attending, due to “travel restriction difficulties”.