Anti-lockdown protesters hit central London despite being warned they face arrest under Covid rules

ANTI-LOCKDOWN protesters have descended on London despite warnings they face arrest.

MANY hit the streets of the capital – many not wearing masks – to protest the tough government measures to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Anti-lockdown protesters hit central London despite being warned they face arrest under Covid rules
Police put an anti-lockdown protester in handcuffs in central London
Anti-lockdown protesters hit central London despite being warned they face arrest under Covid rules
An anti-lockdown protester gets put into a van by police
Anti-lockdown protesters hit central London despite being warned they face arrest under Covid rules
Police grab an anti-lockdown protester in King’s Cross, London
Anti-lockdown protesters hit central London despite being warned they face arrest under Covid rules
Police stop an anti-mask protester in central London this morning

It comes as England has less than one week left of the second lockdown to contend with.

Police were seen at King’s Cross in central London arresting protesters this morning.

One man was arrested and put into a van at the ‘Our Movement’ demonstration where they were protesting against the lockdown, the Covid vaccine and wearing masks.

Yesterday, the number of UK coronavirus cases has today dropped by 21 per cent in a week – with 521 more deaths reported in the last 24 hours.

The figure is down by a fifth on last Friday’s rise (20,252) and follows a recent trend of infections slowing.

It brings the total number of positive test results in Britain to 1,574,562.

The Department of Health revealed today it had removed 1,283 historic cases from that figure as they were “originally reported in error by the laboratory as positive”.

Another 521 more fatalities were confirmed, raising the total number of Covid deaths in Britain to 57,551.

Today’s rise in deaths is almost identical – although slightly bigger – than last week’s jump (511).

It is bigger still, than the Friday before that (376).

Last week, hundreds of angry anti-lockdown protesters chanting “freedom” clashed with cops.

Anti-lockdown protesters hit central London despite being warned they face arrest under Covid rules

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