A WORRYINGLY high proportion of women don’t know the signs of deadly gynaecological cancers.
Two-thirds of Brits failed to recognise abnormal vaginal bleeding as a potential symptom of womb cancer.

Womb cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women (and people with gynae organs/trans women) in the UK.
Vaginal bleeding can also be an indicator of cervical, vaginal or vulvar cancer.
Together with ovarian cancer, these are the five gynaecological cancers that affect 21,000 people per year.
But the survey by the charity Eve Appeal found only two per cent of UK adults could name all five cancers.
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The gynaecological cancer with the highest awareness by far is cervical cancer, which took the life of Jade Goody aged 27.
Some 61 per cent of people could name this cancer.
But still, many did not know its symptoms. Less than half were aware that bleeding after sex is a significant red flag (45 per cent).
Athena Lamnisos, The Eve Appeal CEO, said: “There is a woeful lack of knowledge of what is going on between our legs and inside our pelvises.
“We want everyone to know the signs and symptoms and seek medical help as soon as they need it.
“This means knowing your anatomy, being aware of key symptoms like abnormal bleeding and being able to have a conversation about them without embarrassment with your doctor.”
The survey findings are worrying because it suggests people are being diagnosed late because they are not aware of symptoms.
Early diagnosis of cancer is critical in giving patients the best possible chance.
The Eve Appeal’s annual Get Lippy campaign, in May, aims to raise awareness of gynae cancers and get women talking with each other to smash taboos.
Eddie Morris, President of Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology said there is a backlog of people waiting for a gynae cancer diagnosis or treatment due to Covid.
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“We are concerned these delays may have led to fewer diagnoses of cancers,” he said.
Read more about Get Lippy here.