Urgent warning over ‘link between antibiotics and bowel cancer’ in young people

IT’S often thought as an “old person” disease. 

But bowel cancer is rising among young people – and scientists warn antibiotic use could be behind the trend.

Urgent warning over ‘link between antibiotics and bowel cancer’ in young people
Antibiotics have been linked to bowel cancer in under 50s

Taking antibiotics could increase the risk of developing bowel cancer by as much as half (50 per cent) in the under-50s, a study found.

Antibiotics use was also linked with an estimated 9 per cent higher risk of bowel cancer, also called colon cancer, in those 50 and over.

Sarah Perrott, of the University of Aberdeen and co-first author of the paper, said: “We found antibiotic exposure was associated with colon cancer among all age groups.

“This, along with multiple other dietary and lifestyle factors, may be contributing to increased cases of colon cancer among young people.”

She added: “Antibiotic use is very common, and it is important to note that not everyone who uses antibiotics will get bowel cancer.”

Doctors are seeing more and more patients under 50 with bowel cancer, said Dr Leslie Samuel, senior author and consultant GI oncologist at NHS Grampian.

Many of them do not have expected risk factors like high alcohol intake or diabetes.

Dr Samuel said: “The gut microbiome comprises a delicate balance of bacteria and disruption to that – be it from lifestyle factors or from repeated use of antibiotics as we have seen here, can have very serious consequences.”

Gut destroyer

The study, published in the British Journal of Cancer in January, compared antibiotic use and lifestyle factors of 40,000 people – some of whom had cancer.

No relationship was found with rectal cancer, which like bowel cancer, affects the large intestine.

Scientists from the University of Aberdeen, NHS Grampian and Queen’s University Belfast, were not able to determine how much antibiotic use is associated with the development of bowel cancer.

But the risk appeared to be the same after minimal exposure to antibiotics, said Miss Perrot.

The authors believe the link exists because antibiotics strip the gut of healthy bacteria, which then interferes with normal immune function.

This can lead to chronic inflammation and, theoretically, increase the risk of cancer.

Miss Perrott said antibiotics had a “detrimental impact on the gut microbiota” and they can lead to “permanent changes to the natural gut environment”.

“It is important to note that diet, lifestyle, stress, and so many different factors can affect gut health and antibiotic use is just one of those factors,” she said.

The study suggests it is not the antibiotics that are carcinogenic, but the changes in gut flora that occur following their use, Medical News Today reported.

Therefore, the researchers said probiotic supplements – which promote a healthy gut – could be useful to counteract the negative effects of the drugs.

Alice Davies, from Cancer Research UK, said: “Currently, there isn’t enough evidence to say if antibiotics are definitely increasing people’s risk, but this gives us another piece of the puzzle.”

She added that people should follow their doctor’s advice if prescribed antibiotics. 

Previously, only a small number of studies investigating an antibiotic and colon cancer link existed and these studies were limited to older adults and showed mixed results.

The research team warned the prescribing of antibiotics should be considered carefully.

It comes amid a backdrop of antibiotics resistance, one of the biggest threats to global health, whereby infections are becoming harder to treat and evolving into “superbugs”.

It’s driven by the overprescription of antibiotics. The more likely antibiotics are used to treat “trivial conditions”, the more likely they become ineffective, the NHS says.

Bowel cancer surging in the young

Bowel cancer is the second most lethal cancer in the UK, killing 16,000 people every year.

More than 2,600 people under 50 are diagnosed each year in the UK, and that number is increasing, according to Bowel Cancer UK.

One study in the same year found the number of people in their 30s struck by the disease was increasing by up to 7.3 per cent each year between 2005 and 2014.

It’s the equivalent of around 267 more cases per year in 2014 compared to 2005, experts said.  

It’s not clear what’s behind the growing trend, but experts have theorised it could be partly due to obesity, diabetes and the influence of modern diet on gut bacteria. 

The NHS estimates that around one in 20 people will get bowel cancer during their lifetime. 

Typically, the disease is found in people over the age of 60 – but you’re never too young to get it.

NHS screening tests, which spot the disease early, are restricted to older people.

That’s why Trending In The News launched the No Time 2 Lose campaign in April 2018 – to call on the Government to lower the screening age from 60 to 50, which could save 4,500 lives annually.

In the summer of 2018, health secretary Matt Hancock announced screening in England would be lowered to 50 – marking a victory for Trending In The News and campaigners.


The five red-flag symptoms of bowel cancer include:

  1. Bleeding from the back passage, or blood in your poo
  2. A change in your normal toilet habits – going more frequently for example
  3. Pain or a lump in your tummy
  4. Extreme tiredness
  5. Losing weight

Other signs of bowel cancer include:

  • Gripping pains in the abdomen
  • Feeling bloated
  • Constipation and being unable to pass wind
  • Being sick
  • Feeling like you need to strain – like doing a number two – but after you’ve been to the loo