The telltale signs on your nails that could indicate cancer – and other key symptoms to watch for

The telltale signs on your nails that could indicate cancer – and other key symptoms to watch for

Faint lines on your nails could be a hidden red flag for cancer

Experts warn that faint lines on your nails could signal an increased risk of cancer, particularly if accompanied by a small thickened area under the nail and a red or white band running down it. These specific nail issues could be linked to a rare genetic disorder known as BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome, which heightens the risk of developing various cancers.

Understanding the link between nail abnormalities and cancer risk

The rare BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome affects a gene responsible for regulating cell growth and repairing DNA damage, essential for preventing the formation and spread of cancer cells. Individuals with this syndrome have an elevated risk of developing cancerous tumours in the skin, eyes, kidneys, and mesothelium lining the chest and abdomen.

Identifying potential warning signs through nail changes

A recent study published in JAMA Dermatology revealed that 88% of participants with BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome showed nail abnormalities, such as a small thickened area under the nail and a white band, indicative of onychopapilloma, a type of benign tumour affecting keratin production in the nails. Observing these nail changes, especially on multiple nails, could prompt further evaluation for the syndrome.

Recognizing common cancer symptoms

Aside from nail abnormalities, there are various common symptoms associated with cancer that individuals should be vigilant about. From fatigue and weight loss to changes in moles and skin, here are 22 key indicators identified by Cancer Research UK that warrant medical attention for early detection and improved chances of survival.

The telltale signs on your nails that could indicate cancer – and other key symptoms to watch for

1. Fatigue

2. Aches and pains

3. Bruising

4. Night sweats

5. Weight loss

6. Coughing

7. Lumps or swelling

8. Appetite loss

9. Mole changes

10. Skin changes

11. Heartburn

12. Croaky voice

13. Ulcers

14. Difficulty swallowing

15. Breathlessness

16. Breast changes

17. Bloating

18. Bowel habit changes

19. Blood in poo

20. Vaginal bleeding

21. Blood in pee