Prostate cancer: A Silent Killer
Prostate cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer in the UK, claiming the lives of men every 45 minutes. The recent passing of Brookside legend Dean Sullivan, who battled prostate cancer since 2018, has brought this disease into the spotlight once again.
Lack of Awareness
A shocking 68% of men are unaware of the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, according to a recent YouGov poll. This lack of knowledge is concerning, considering that over 52,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year in the UK.
Early Detection is Key
Prostate cancer can be beaten if caught early. Unfortunately, symptoms often do not manifest until the cancer has progressed significantly. It is crucial for men to be aware of the early warning signs.
The 6 Early Signs
Here are the six early signs of prostate cancer:

- Needing to urinate more often, especially at night
- Feeling the need to rush to the toilet
- Difficulty in starting to urinate
- Weak urine flow
- Straining and taking a long time while urinating
- Feeling that the bladder hasn't emptied fully
Know Your Risk
Prostate cancer primarily affects men over the age of 50, and the risk increases with age. It is important for men to be proactive in monitoring their health and discussing any concerns with their GP.
Dean Sullivan's Story
Dean Sullivan, known for his role as Jimmy Corkhill in the soap opera Brookside, emphasized the importance of listening to one's instincts. Despite not experiencing many typical symptoms of prostate cancer, Dean noticed a reduced urine flow and decided to get checked. A second doctor's examination revealed an enlarged prostate and further tests uncovered the cancer.
Trust Your Gut
Dean urged individuals to trust their instincts and push for thorough examinations if something feels wrong. He emphasized that it is never a bother to consult a doctor when it comes to one's health.
Early Diagnosis and Treatment
Early diagnosis greatly increases the chances of successful treatment. Treatment options for prostate cancer include active surveillance, surgery, and radiotherapy. The outlook is positive, with more than 95% of people surviving a year following diagnosis and 85% surviving for five years or more.

It is crucial for men to be aware of the early signs of prostate cancer and to seek medical attention if they notice any changes. Early detection can save lives, and being proactive about one's health is essential.
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