Royal Navy Officer Diagnosed with Terminal Brain Cancer at 33

Royal Navy Officer Diagnosed with Terminal Brain Cancer at 33

Rare Diagnosis

A 33-year-old Royal Navy officer, Jess Zentilin-Dorey, was diagnosed with a grade 4 astrocytoma after experiencing symptoms of thirst and fatigue, eventually leading to a seizure at home.

Life-Altering Diagnosis

Jess initially attributed her symptoms to dehydration from intensive training but soon discovered the true cause of her health issues just nine weeks after marrying her partner Gabriella.

Tumour Treatment Journey

Following her diagnosis, Jess underwent a craniotomy to remove 99% of the mass but was informed that her grade 4 astrocytoma was incurable, leading to gruelling radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments.

Raising Awareness

Despite the challenges she faces, Jess is raising awareness during Brain Tumour Awareness Month and is training for the Plymouth Half Marathon to fundraise for Brain Tumour Research.

Royal Navy Officer Diagnosed with Terminal Brain Cancer at 33

Gratitude and Perspective

Jess emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about brain tumours and cherishing time, highlighting the need for increased funding for research in this area.

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