Over 1 Million Smokers to Receive Free Lung Cancer Checks on NHS

Over 1 Million Smokers to Receive Free Lung Cancer Checks on NHS

The Largest Program of its Kind

More than 1 million current and ex-smokers in the UK will be offered free lung cancer screening on the NHS. This initiative, the biggest of its kind in history, aims to detect the disease at its early stages when it is most treatable. The screenings will take place at various locations across England, including football stadiums, shopping car parks, and town centres. So far, the program has already identified 2,400 cases of lung cancer, with three-quarters of them found in the early stages.

Early Detection is Key

Lung cancer is the third most common form of the disease in the UK, with around 48,500 Brits diagnosed every year. Only one in 10 patients live longer than 10 years after the disease is detected. However, the chances of survival are significantly higher if the cancer is caught early before it spreads. The NHS Targeted Lung Health Check aims to identify lung cancer before symptoms appear, focusing on current and former smokers who are at higher risk.

A Potentially Lifesaving Offer

So far, 1.05 million people have been invited to undergo a lung cancer check. The NHS is investing in the latest technology and treatments to ensure record numbers of cancer patients receive treatment. Michelle Mitchell, from Cancer Research UK, stressed the importance of these checks, as an early diagnosis can greatly improve survival rates. Paula Chadwick, of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, emphasized that speed is essential in diagnosing lung cancer and urged invitees to take advantage of this potentially lifesaving opportunity, even if they feel well.