Brushed Off as Pregnancy Symptoms
A mother from Adelaide, Australia, Jamie Kernaghan, spent years battling gut issues that doctors initially dismissed as 'pregnancy side effects' during her two pregnancies. She experienced diarrhoea and tiredness, which were attributed to common conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.
The Shocking Diagnosis
After persistent symptoms that continued long after giving birth, Jamie was eventually diagnosed with a rare, incurable cancer. Tests revealed a tumour in her intestine that had spread to her liver, leading to the discovery of a mid-gut neuroendocrine tumour (NET), a condition often misdiagnosed due to its varied symptoms.
Treatment and Recovery
Jamie underwent major abdominal surgery to remove the tumour and was put on a treatment plan to manage the disease. Despite a decade of relatively normal life, she faced a setback in 2022 when a new tumour appeared near her shoulder. After rounds of radiation therapy, the tumour was successfully treated, but Jamie now undergoes regular scans to monitor for any new growths.
Advocacy and Encouragement
Jamie's experience highlights the importance of advocating for oneself and seeking answers when faced with persistent symptoms. She urges others to listen to their bodies, push for testing, and not delay seeking medical help, as early detection could significantly impact the outcome of their health.

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