Mum diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer just days before giving birth

Mum diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer just days before giving birth

Unexpected Diagnosis

A mother, Kelly Heather, was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer shortly before giving birth to her son. The diagnosis came after Kelly noticed an unusual change in her fingernail, leading to a series of events that changed her life forever.

A Long Battle

Since 2017, Kelly has been fighting cancer. What started as an unusual line on her fingernail eventually led to a diagnosis of melanoma, a type of skin cancer that can develop under and around the nails. Despite initial treatments, the cancer resurfaced and spread, requiring more aggressive interventions.

New Challenges

Following the birth of her fourth child, Kelly underwent brain surgery to remove a tumour. She now faces the challenges of stage 4 melanoma brain cancer, with a newborn to care for and uncertain outcomes of her treatment. Despite the odds, Kelly remains positive and determined to fight for her family.

Plea for Further Testing

Kelly emphasizes the importance of advocating for further testing, regardless of the cancer stage. She believes that early detection could have changed her journey and hopes to raise awareness about the aggressive nature of melanoma. Kelly's resilience and courage in the face of adversity serve as an inspiration to many.

Mum diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer just days before giving birth

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