Horrifying Time-Lapse Video Reveals Nail 'Blemish' Can Turn into Stage 4 Cancer

Horrifying Time-Lapse Video Reveals Nail 'Blemish' Can Turn into Stage 4 Cancer

A shocking time-lapse video has emerged, showcasing how a small brown line on a finger can transform into stage four cancer.

An Unusual Location for Skin Cancer

While skin cancer, including melanoma, developing under and around fingernails and toenails is uncommon, it is a possibility.

It may resemble a brown or black band on the nail, often mistaken for a bruise.

Melanoma ranks as the fifth most prevalent cancer in the UK, with approximately 16,000 new cases each year, a number on the rise according to Melanoma UK.

Horrifying Time-Lapse Video Reveals Nail 'Blemish' Can Turn into Stage 4 Cancer

The specific cancer that grows under the nails is referred to as subungual melanoma, presenting as a line or irregular mark under the nail.

Notably, it is more likely to appear on the thumb or big toe of the dominant hand or foot, but it can affect any nail. Signs such as nail splitting or a persistent bump under the nail should not be overlooked.

Disturbing Development of Cancer

Dr. Christopher Chang, a consultant at Fauquier ENT, used AI to craft a chilling time-lapse video illustrating the progression of early-stage nail melanoma into late-stage, or stage four, cancer.

Over time, the small brown line expands until it engulfs the entire nail. As the disease advances, the nail darkens, cracks, and the skin underneath experiences ulcers and bleeding.

Horrifying Time-Lapse Video Reveals Nail 'Blemish' Can Turn into Stage 4 Cancer

Early detection of melanoma skin cancer is crucial, underscoring the importance of promptly consulting a GP regarding any new or changing marks on the nails or skin.

When to Seek Medical Advice

Symptoms like new abnormal moles, changes in existing moles, itching or painful moles, or unusual marks that persist should prompt a visit to the GP.

Using the ABCDE checklist can help assess whether a mole or mark requires medical attention, focusing on asymmetry, irregular borders, multiple colors, diameter, and evolution of the mole.

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