Half of patients with suspected breast cancer wait longer than two week target to see a specialist

HALF of all patients with suspected breast cancer waited longer than the two week target to see a specialist — a record high.

Around 21,000 missed out on an appointment in December after being referred by a GP, which is four times the number just three months before.

Half of patients with suspected breast cancer wait longer than two week target to see a specialist
Breast cancer screenings have fallen dramatically since the pandemic

Official records also show one million fewer women were screened for breast cancer last year than three years ago.

Screenings for women over 45 fell to 1.19 million, which is down from 2.23 million in 2018-19 — before the pandemic — the NHS England data has revealed.

The numbers of those waiting longer than the target period for breast cancer referral are higher than any other form of the disease.

Just under a fifth waiting to see a specialist for suspected skin cancer waited more than the recommended two weeks.

Ministers last month declared a “war on cancer”, with a new ten-year strategy out this year.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid said it would be a “far-reaching look” at how cancer will be dealt with in 2032, “looking at all stages from prevention, diagnosis, treatment and vaccines”.

He has also said that the NHS waiting list, already standing at six million, will continue to grow for another two years.

The Department of Health said: “The pandemic had a serious impact on people living with cancer and we’re committed to tackling the backlog.”

Half of patients with suspected breast cancer wait longer than two week target to see a specialist
Sajid Javid has pledged a war on cancer but patients are facing record wait times