Drink loved by almost everyone raises risk of throat cancer

BRITS who enjoy a hot brew are at a soaring risk of developing cancer – but it all depends on how you drink it.

Researchers found a link between those who drank tea and coffee with esophageal cancer.

Drink loved by almost everyone raises risk of throat cancer
Medics found a link between those who drank hot tea and coffee and esophageal cancer

Around 10,000 people are diagnosed with the illness in the UK each year.

One of the ways medics say you can reduce you risk of the disease is by letting hot drinks cool down before you drink them – in order to not damage your esophagus.

Experts at the University of Cambridge said drinking your brew too hot can triple your risk of the cancer.

Writing in the journal Clinical Nutrition, the medics found that those who liked to drink tea and coffee were at a 2.8 times higher risk than non-drinkers.

Participants were also quizzed on how hot they liked their coffee, from warm, hot, or very hot.

Very hot drinkers had a 4.1 times greater risk, with hot drinkers being at a 5.5-fold increased risk.

This in comparison to those who just liked a warm brew, who had a 2.7 times higher risk.

However, the medics did not study the volume of the popular morning staples consumed.

Therefore they were unable to determine if the volume of brews supped is also linked to a higher risk.

The experts states: “The genetic association with esophageal cancer was stronger in those who reported a preference for caffeinated hot drinks (4.8-fold increase) versus decaffeinated hot drinks (no increase).

“Although there was substantial uncertainty in the latter estimate due to the smaller number of individuals with a preference for decaffeinated drinks.”

Dr Paul Carter, a clinician based at the University of Cambridge, who led the study, said: “Being one of the most widely consumed beverages around the world, research into the possible health benefits and risks of coffee is essential.

“Our study, although reassuring for most cancer types, provides insight for coffee promoting esophageal cancer and suggests this may be related to thermal injury.

“Going forwards, the risk of ingesting hot foods and its effect on the oesophagus needs further attention.”

Previous studies revealed that those who drink three cups of coffee each day a third less likely to die young.

Java lovers even get the health benefits if they add sugar.

Dr Dan Liu, from Southern Medical University in China, said: “Our study found that adults who drank moderate amounts of coffee sweetened with sugar every day were about 30 per cent less likely to die from any cause compared to non-coffee drinkers.”

Coffee connoisseurs faced less danger from cancer or heart disease in the study.

And instant, ground and decaf versions were all linked to a lower death risk.

Past studies have found drinkers may have lower rates of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and liver disease.