Dr Jeff Answers Your Health Questions Prostate Cancer: Should PSA Levels be Increasing After Prostate Removal? A reader named Suzanne Gibbs from Manchester writes in to Dr Jeff with a question about her husband's prostate health. Her husband had his prostate removed at the age of 60 and has been regularly getting PSA checks since then. In the last four years, his PSA level has risen to 1.3. Suzanne is wondering if this increase is concerning, considering the fact that the prostate was already removed. Dr Jeff explains that prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. While every man will eventually have some cancerous cells in their prostate, it doesn't necessarily mean it will cause harm or require treatment. Currently, there are no national screening programs for prostate cancer because there isn't a test accurate enough for it. The PSA blood test is commonly used to determine if further testing or imaging is needed. However, this test can produce both false positives and false negatives. Dr Jeff advises Suzanne to consult her doctor and consider speaking with a urologist to determine if further testing is necessary for her husband. Gastric Bands and Weight Gain: Is Craving Junk Food Normal? The next question comes from Richard Roberts in Birmingham, a 55-year-old man who recently had a gastric bypass surgery. After losing a significant amount of weight, he has noticed that he has put back on 2 stone and is craving junk food even more than before. Richard wonders if this is normal. Dr Jeff explains that gastric bands physically reduce the amount of food the stomach can hold, but they don't change a person's cravings or habits. In order for the surgery to be effective in maintaining weight loss, it needs to be combined with long-term lifestyle changes, such as increased physical activity and healthy eating. Patients usually undergo a program with a dietician before considering gastric band surgery in the NHS. If Richard is experiencing cravings for junk food, Dr Jeff suggests speaking with a dietician or health psychologist to help establish healthier habits.
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