High rates of oesophageal cancer in the UK
A doctor has issued a warning about the often fatal oesophageal cancer, highlighting hidden symptoms to watch out for. Recent figures have shown that the UK has one of the highest rates of oesophageal cancer in Europe, surpassing countries like Spain, France, and Germany.
Signs to look out for
Oesophageal cancer, although less common than other types of cancer, can manifest through symptoms such as a persistent sore throat, a cough that lingers, and difficulty swallowing. Experts stress the importance of increased awareness, research, and support for those affected by this deadly disease.
Hidden symptoms and risk factors
Aside from the more common symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss and indigestion, the cancer can also present less common signs like coughing up blood, hoarseness of voice, and fatigue. Factors like smoking, drinking alcohol, and chronic acid reflux can increase the risk of developing oesophageal cancer.
When to seek medical help
If you experience symptoms like prolonged vomiting, dark or red stools, or any concerns related to oesophageal cancer, it's crucial to seek urgent medical attention. Calling NHS 111 can provide guidance on the next steps to take in addressing potential symptoms of this deadly disease.