SUN readers told us the impact columnist Debs had on them . . .
Emma E: “Deborah, if I hadn’t read your column in lockdown, I’d never have gone to the doctor and found out I had bowel cancer.

“Thank you for everything you have done, without you I might not still be here for my children.
“You have shown you can have cancer, yet look glamorous, and that you can die with style, still enjoying moments with your precious family.”
Lindsey Hartley: “My husband has stage 4 bowel cancer, and you have been an inspiration to so many going through the same.
“I’m sure that many lives have been saved due to your blogs.
“You truly are a remarkable lady and your family must be so proud of how you continued through life whilst going through such a horrible illness. I thank you.”
Read More on Deborah James
Geraldine Mogridge: “An amazing lady who has left a legacy of fun, courage and tenacity for us all.
“Your family can be forever proud and one day they will smile as they remember you and hold all memories close to their hearts.
Donate here to keep raising money for Deborah’s BowelBabe fund.
“You have worked tirelessly for a better, cancer-free world for your children and everyone that comes after you.
“A seismic achievement!”
Joan Williamson: “Dance among the clouds with the angels, Dame Deborah.”
Philip Alan Edwards: “I’m going through chemo and you give everyone the inspiration to fight and carry on with life.”
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Rebecca Carter: “I lost my dad after a four-month fight against bowel cancer and we had all the same conversations with our family as you did.
“I am so sorry you lost your life so early but you will no doubt change the lives of many.”