Constipation, feeling full and other stealth signs of women’s cancers revealed

CONSTIPATION, bloating and vaginal itchiness are common nuisances. 

But barely any women are aware these are signs of serious cancers – and millions could be brushing their symptoms aside as nothing to worry about. 

Constipation, feeling full and other stealth signs of women’s cancers revealed
Common signs of gynaecological cancers

This Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month (1-30 September 2021), a survey has uncovered how little women know about cancers “down there”.

Almost three quarters of women are not aware that there are five gynaecological cancers – cervical, ovarian, vaginal, vulval and womb (uterine).

A woman is diagnosed with one of these cancers every five minutes, while 21 women lose their battle every day.

Just nine per cent of women worry about gynaecological health and its associated cancers, with more worried about their weight (19 per cent) and skin (10 per cent). 

The survey, of more than 2,600 women by Superdrug, also showed half of women wouldn’t see their GP straight away if they had a problem down there.

One in five admitted these issues are easy to ignore, with embarrassment and lack of knowledge key reasons. 

Awareness of common gynaecological cancers symptoms was also low.

The following proportion were unaware of these symptoms:

  • Constipation (78 per cent)
  • Feeling full too quickly or difficulty eating (72 per cent)
  • More frequent or urgent need to pee is a symptom (56 per cent)
  • Itching, burning or tenderness of the vulva (the outside of the vagina including the labia) (53 per cent)
  • Changes in vulva skin or colour (49 per cent)
  • Bloating (46 per cent)
  • Abdominal or back pain (42 per cent)
  • Abnormal periods or spotting (28 per cent)
  • Pelvic pain or pressure (26 per cent)
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge (19 per cent)

The Lady Garden Foundation is dedicated to “breaking the taboo about talking about your vagina and gynae health”.

Chair and co-founder Jenny Halpern Prince said: “One in two people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime and for the 58 women diagnosed daily, 36 per cent won’t survive. 

“There is no single screening test available for all of these cancers so the importance of understanding the symptoms and getting an early diagnosis is essential to save lives. 

“Often symptoms can be subtle and misattributed so having confidence in your own body and recognising when something isn’t right, is crucial.”

Some symptoms, like irregular bleeding, are common across all types of gynaecological cancers, whereas others can be more subtle, and often misattributed.

The Lady Garden Foundation has teamed up with Superdrug to drive the message home to women.

When a patient attends an in-clinic service appointment, a Superdrug nurse or pharmacist will offer them a discussion on gynaecological cancers.

The patient will also be offered a symptom tracker, designed to easily note down any signs or symptoms they experience, which they can then show to their GP.

Since the partnership launched six months ago in March 2021, 5452 people have had a gynaecological cancer conversation with a Superdrug Nurse or pharmacist.

Dr Sara Kayat, Superdrug Ambassador, said: “The lack of knowledge around gynaecological cancers is extremely worrying. 

“We know that, when caught early, these cancers can often be effectively treated… but we rely on patients knowing what symptoms to look out for.”