Cancer treatment left me unable to have penetrative sex: A young woman's story

Cancer treatment left me unable to have penetrative sex: A young woman's story

Teenage diagnosis

Ellie Waters-Barnes, a 23-year-old medical student from Stoke-on-Trent, shares her journey of being diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), a soft tissue cancer, at the age of 14. What started as a tiny lump in her left buttock led to grueling treatments that changed her life forever.

Impact on sexuality

After undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy for 18 months, Ellie found herself in remission at 16 but faced a new reality. The treatment had left her unable to have penetrative sex, causing physical and emotional challenges that reshaped her sense of self and relationships.

Challenges and acceptance

Despite facing discomfort, pain, and complications in intimate relationships, Ellie reflects on finding solace in being single, pursuing her medical career, and embracing the possibility of a child-free life. She hopes to specialize in gynaecology to support other women facing similar challenges.

Breaking the silence

Ellie's story sheds light on the often overlooked impact of cancer treatment on sexual function and the importance of breaking taboos and seeking support. She emphasizes the need for open conversations and understanding in relationships that go beyond traditional expectations.

Cancer treatment left me unable to have penetrative sex: A young woman's story

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