Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

1. Fatigue

Feeling tired for no clear reason could be a sign of something more serious, warns Cancer Research UK.

2. Aches and pains

Unexplained or persistent aches and pains should not be ignored as they could indicate cancer.

3. Bruising

If you notice unexplained bruising, it might be a symptom of certain cancers like leukaemia.

4. Night sweats

Heavy or persistent night sweats could be a sign of various cancers, so it's important to get checked.

Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

5. Weight loss

Significant weight loss without trying could be an early indicator of cancer, according to CancerNet.

6. Coughing

Persistent coughing, especially with blood, could be a sign of lung cancer.

7. Lumps or swelling

Any unusual lump or swelling should be taken seriously and checked by a doctor.

8. Appetite loss

Losing appetite for no clear reason could be a red flag symptom of cancer.

9. Mole changes

Changes in moles, like new appearances or changes in size, shape, or color, should be monitored.

10. Skin changes

Keep an eye on any skin changes like sores, bumps, or growths that won't heal.

11. Heartburn

Persistent indigestion or heartburn could be linked to certain cancers like oesophageal cancer.

12. Croaky voice

A hoarse voice for more than three weeks could be a sign of throat or lung cancer.

13. Ulcers

Mouth ulcers that don't heal could be a symptom of mouth or oropharyngeal cancer.

14. Difficulty swallowing

Trouble swallowing might indicate oesophageal, mouth, or throat cancer.

15. Breathlessness

Constant breathlessness could be a primary symptom of lung cancer.

16. Breast changes

Look out for any changes in your breast area that could indicate breast cancer.

17. Bloating

Consistent bloating lasting up to three weeks could be an early sign of ovarian and bowel cancer.

18. Bowel habit changes

Changes in bowel habits, like unusual poo consistency or frequency, should be checked by a GP.

19. Blood in poo

Any blood in your poo should be investigated as it could be a sign of bowel cancer.

20. Vaginal bleeding

Unexpected vaginal bleeding could be a red flag for certain types of cancer, including womb cancer.

21. Blood in pee

Blood in urine is the most common symptom of bladder cancer and should not be ignored.

22. Problems weeing

Difficulty in urination could be a sign of bladder cancer, so it's crucial to seek medical advice.