8 Surprising Ways Sex Can Help You Live Longer

8 Surprising Ways Sex Can Help You Live Longer

Experts Say Sex Can Prolong Your Life

When it comes to sex, your health may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, experts say that getting it on can actually help you live longer. From improving heart health to boosting memory and fighting infections, a romp in the bedroom has surprising benefits for both the body and mind.

Japanese Study Finds Link Between Sex Drive and Lifespan

A Japanese study conducted on 8,500 men over seven years revealed that those with a high sex drive had a 69% lower risk of dying compared to their peers. These findings align with the beliefs held by doctors, who believe that sex, as part of a consensual and healthy relationship, offers physical and mental health benefits that can contribute to longevity.

8 Surprising Ways Sex Can Help You Live Longer

Dr. Jenny Ellenbogen Unveils Eight Health Benefits of Sex

Dr. Jenny Ellenbogen, an NHS and ZoomDoc Health GP, explains that sex is not just about pleasure or procreation. It also significantly influences our well-being. Regardless of how long you last in the bedroom, even a few seconds or minutes can be good for you. Sex increases heart rate and brings a host of other benefits that might surprise you. Here are eight of them:

1. Improved Heart Health

Sex is a form of physical activity that gets your blood pumping and improves cardiovascular health. It can decrease the risk of high blood pressure and heart attacks. Engaging in regular sex can offer heart benefits similar to light gardening, and if you do it four or five times a week, it's akin to walking a mile.

8 Surprising Ways Sex Can Help You Live Longer

2. Boosted Immunity

Frequent sex has been found to increase immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels in the saliva. IgA is an antibody that helps defend against illnesses. This boost in immunity can provide protection against various infections, including sexually transmitted diseases, especially during the winter when infections are common.

3. Natural Painkiller

Orgasms release the happy hormone endorphin and the pain-relieving hormone oxytocin. These natural painkillers can help ease headaches, arthritis pain, menstrual cramps, and other types of discomfort. In fact, a study found that 60% of migraine sufferers reported improvement when having sex, while 70% experienced moderate to complete pain relief.

4. Reduced Cancer Risk

Research has shown a link between frequent ejaculation and a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Men who ejaculate 4.6 to seven times a week are 36% less likely to receive a prostate cancer diagnosis before the age of 70 compared to those who ejaculate 2.3 or fewer times a week on average.

5. Stronger Muscles

Women can benefit from stronger pelvic floor muscles through the contractions that occur during orgasm. These muscles help prevent urinary incontinence and improve sexual function. A strengthened pelvic floor also reduces the chance of prolapse.

6. Better Sleep

After an orgasm, the body releases prolactin, a hormone responsible for feelings of relaxation and sleepiness. This hormone can improve sleep quality, allowing the body to repair itself, improve focus, and support memory function.

7. Less Depression

Sex and orgasms release endorphins and neurotransmitters that boost mood, satisfaction, and happiness. These natural antidepressants contribute to improved mental health and happier relationships. Women who orgasm more from sex are found to be happier in their relationships, leading to a happier, longer life.

8. Stress Buster

Regular sex is excellent for reducing stress. It enhances feelings of self-worth, reduces anxiety, and fosters a deep emotional connection between partners. The intimacy associated with sexual activity increases feelings of security and support, reducing the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure – the big killers.

So, it turns out that not only is sex fun, but it also comes with a host of health benefits. From improved heart health to reduced cancer risk and better sleep, engaging in regular sexual activity can help you live a longer and healthier life.

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