6 Foods and Drinks a Doctor Would Never Allow in Their Home

6 Foods and Drinks a Doctor Would Never Allow in Their Home

It's easy to go about your weekly food shop without much thought or consideration. You might just mindlessly follow the same well-trodden path around your local supermarket, not thinking about what you're putting in the trolley. And how many of us are guilty of committing the cardinal food shop sin of heading down those aisles on an empty stomach?

1. Red Alert

Processed red meat, like bacon and sausages, has been linked to serious health risks, including heart disease and cancer. Dr. Deborah Lee recommends opting for chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, or tofu instead.

2. Brekking Bad

Breakfast cereals can be high in sugar, leading to obesity and other diseases. Swap sugary cereals for whole grains like porridge and add chopped fruit, nuts, and seeds for sweetness.

3. Can It

Avoid canned tuna due to concerns over mercury toxicity. Opt for fresh fish like salmon or mackerel instead, and limit intake during pregnancy.

6 Foods and Drinks a Doctor Would Never Allow in Their Home

4. In a Fizz

Fizzy drinks are high in sugar and calories, offering no nutritional value. Stick to water or jazz it up with fruit slices and ice for a healthier option.

5. Diet Joke

Artificially sweetened drinks may not help with sugar cravings and can have health risks. Consider using stevia as a natural sweetener instead.

6. Energy Price

Energy drinks are loaded with sugar and caffeine, especially harmful for children and teenagers. Swap them for milk or sugar-free fruit juice as a healthier alternative.